Principali argomenti di ricerca
Observational Cosmology, Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and primary and secondary anisotropies
Cluster of galaxies for cosmological implications by Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect: observations, data analysis and simulations
Experimental techniques and observational strategies for cosmological and astrophysical mm and FIR observations.
Instruments development for ground based, balloon borne and satellite projects.
Optics for dedicated CMB observations at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.
Site testing at mm and FIR wavelengths: instrument design and data analysis.
Partecipazione a progetti correnti e passati
The MUSIC project consists of two sets of resimulated cluster of galaxies extracted from MareNostrum and MULTIDARK, two large volume hydrodynamic simulations of the Universe.
Member of the collaboration: SZ Effect team
The most massive 324 clusters (M_vir>8 10^14 M_sun) selected from the MultiDark simulation MDPL2.
The New IRAM KIDs Arrays is the next generation continuum instrument installed at the 30m telescope of IRAM, at Pico Veleta (Spain).
A ground based bolometric interferometer to measure the B modes of the polarised CMB fluctuations.
External Collaborator
LiteBIRD (Lite satellite for the studies of B-mode polarization and inflation from CMB detection) is a planned space observatory that aims to detect the footprint of the primordial gravitational wave of the CMB in a form of polarization pattern, called B-mode.
Large Scale Polarization Explorer
SWIPE - Optics group member
A balloon-borne experiment devoted to CMB B-mode observations.
Full member of the EUCLID Consortium
Euclid is an ESA medium class astronomy and astrophysics space mission. The Euclid mission aims at understanding why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating and what is the nature of the source responsible for this acceleration which physicists refer to as dark energy.
Optics group member
A balloon-borne 2.6-m telescope to explore SZ effect and FIR backgrounds.
MIllimetric Sardinia radio Telescope Receiver based on Array of Lumped elements KIDs
Optics coordinator
MISTRAL, is a cryogenic LEKID camera, operating in the W-band (77 − 103 GHz) from the Gregorian focus of the 64m aperture Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT), in Italy.
A spectrometer devoted to measure atmospheric emission in the mm/FIR band (90GHz – 450GHz) at Concordia Station, the Italian-French Antarctic base in Dome C.
A ground based millimetre and submillimetre 2.6-m telescope on the top of Alps which hosted, or planned to be, several instruments at the focal plane: FotoMITO, MASTER, FotoPola and MAD.
A small mission satellite devoted to observe Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect, sub-mm spectroscopy of galaxies and low-resolution survey of Active Galaxies. Study of Phase A Italian Space Agency.
A large class satellite mission in response to the 2013 ESA Call for the definition of L2 and L3 missions in the ESA Science Programme devoted to probe cosmic structures and radiation with the ultimate characterization of the microwave sky in intensity, polarization, and frequency spectrum.
COSmic Monopole Observer
Optics group member
COSMO is a pathfinder experiment to measure the isotropic y-type spectral distortion of the CMB from Dome C station in Antarctica.