Laurea Magistrale in
Astronomia e Astrofisica
dal 2012, prima era denominata Laurea Specialistica in Astronomia e Astrofisica
24 - Giuseppe Giulio Baris
"A Machine Learning method to infer clusters of galaxy mass radial profiles from high-resolution Sunayeav-Zeldovich maps"
in progress, co-director dr. Antonio Ferragamo (Università Federico II di Napoli)
23 - Elia Pappalardo
“Clusters of galaxies dynamical state inference by Zernike polynomials applied on high resolution tSZ maps"
in progress, co-director dr. Antonio Ferragamo (Università Federico II di Napoli) and dr. Raphael Wicker (Sapienza)
22 - Alessio Benincasa
“Study of dynamical state of clusters of galaxies on X-ray observations by applying Zernike polynomials”
November 2024, co-directors dr. Antonio Ferragamo (Università Federico II di Napoli) and dr. Iacopo Bartalucci (INAF-IASF)
21 - Bellone De Grecis Edoardo
“Characterization of a micro-electro-mechanical deformable mirror for adaptive optics systems for astronomical applications”
October 2022, co-director dr. L. Busoni Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri - INAF
20 - Santoni Sara
“Impact of filaments in the Cosmic Web on clusters of galaxies properties”
September 2022, co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM
19 - Sbriglio Alessia
“Study of clusters of galaxies mass by Machine Learning techniques”
June 2022, co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM and A. Ferragamo SAP
18- D'Aleo Emanuele
“Prototyiping and Optimization of a Ritchey-Chretien Telescope on a CubeSat”
July 2021, co-director prof. F. Santoni (SAP - DIAEE)
17 - Gianfagna Giulia
“Hydrostatic mass bias estimate of MUSIC/NIKA2 galaxy clusters”
January 2020, co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM
16 - Capalbo Valentina
“An adaptive optics approach to infer clusters of galaxies morphology”
December 2019
15 - Lanfiuti Baldi Lucia
“Studio dei telescopi rifrattori nella prima metà del XVII secolo”
May 2019 co-director dr. G. Strano Museo Galileo, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
14 - De Luca Federico
“A study of the dynamical state of galaxy clusters by multi-wavelength synthetic maps from The 300th numerical cluster catalogue”
January 2019 co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM
13 - Terreri Alessandro
"Focal plane non-common path aberrations mitigation in astronomical high contrast imaging for LBT"
January 2019 co-directors dr. F. Pedichini e M. Stangalini (INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome)
12 - Moroni Martina
“Hubble constant from SZ and X-ray observations of clusters of galaxies”
May 2018 co-director dr. Gemma Luzzi
11 - Faccini Daniele
“Caratterizzazione di uno specchio deformabile basato su tecnologia MEMS”
January 2018 co-directors dr. F. Pedichini e M. Stangalini (INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome)
10 - Nardi Luca
“Deriving olivine distribution on (25143) Itokawa through near-infrared spectroscopy”
December 2017 co-director dr. E. Palomba (INAF Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali)
9 - De Leo Michele
“Characterization of the Optical Combiner of the QUBIC experiment and impact on spectro-imaging capabilities”
October 2017.
8 - Azzutti Claudia
“Studying Polycapillary Optics and Its Applications in X-ray Astronomy”
October 2017 co-director drSultan B. Dabagov & D. Hampai (INFN Frascati)
7 - Fiorellino Eleonora
“The Core Mass Function of the Serpens star forming region derived with Herschel data”
September 2017 co-director dr. S. Pezzuto (INAF Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali)
6 - Cialone Giammarco
“Clusters of galaxies morphological analysis on MUSIC Sunyaev–Zel’dovich synthetic maps”
May 2017 co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM
5 - Massera Elena
“Atmospheric characterization in the millimetre band at Concordia antarctic base”
March 2016
4 - Gasparella Giovanni
“Specchi liquidi ed applicazioni astrofisiche”
January 2016
3 - Baldi Anna Silvia
“Galaxy Clusters rotation by kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect”
October 2015 co-director prof. G. Yepes UAM
2 - Sabatini Luca
“Ottimizzazione delle tecniche osservativie ad alto contrasto e risoluzione nelle bande visuali con le ottiche adattive del Large Binocular Telescope”
January 2015 co-director dott. F. Pedichini (INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome)
1 - Foschi Emma
“Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect towards protoclusters of galaxies in MUSIC simulation”
January 2012 co-director prof. Gustavo Yepes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)