PhD in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science

prima del 2012 era il Dottorato in Astronomia

5 - Sara Santoni 

“Impact of filaments on clusters of galaxies properties by hydrodynamic simulations and multi-wavelength observations"

(2022-2025) Ciclo XXXVIII (co-tutele: G. Yepes - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

4 - Paliwal Aishwarya 

“Study of clusters of galaxies by hydrodynamic simulations and observations with cosmological implications”

(2020-2023) Ciclo XXXVI 

3 - De Luca Federico 

Multiwavelength observations of galaxy clusters and Cosmology

(2019-2022) Ciclo XXXV (advisor: H. Bourdin and P. Mazzotta - TorVergata University in Rome)

2 - Baldi Anna Silvia 

“Astrophysics with the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect in clusters of galaxies”

(2016-2019) Ciclo XXXII December 2019 (co-tutors: P. Mazzotta and H. Bourdin at TorVergata University in Rome)

1- Buzi Daniele 

“Polarisation issues related to CMB observations at mm-wavelengths”

(2012-2015) Ciclo XXVIII December 2015